Tuesday, December 19, 2006

i've got bel biv devoe (sp?) stuck in my head, and all i have to say about that is really? i really have "that girl is poisioooon" stuck in my head? i haven't even heard that song in years, and i never liked it. however, bbd is actually a small respresentation of my larger problem - being that my iPod died a few weeks ago. it's caused a fairly large change in my days - i'm less productive at work 'cause i can't count on sitting down, slurping waaay too much coffee and assaulting my ears with punk while i work a meaningful chunk of my life away on spreadsheets and stupid crap. public transportation is less fun without various henry rollins spoken word albums in my ears, and driving to my parents house on thursday for xmas is gonna suck for four hours without music that i like. so i'm buying a new one, but because i'm a wage slave, i'm gonna have to put it on a credit card, which i am loath to do.
i decided when bush got re-elected that i'd better get debt free and fast. and i've been struggling since to pay it off, and then finding an instance where i use it (fillings, hair cuts, and now iPod) but my debt hovers around the same amount that it has been stuck at for a few months now. i got one card paid entirely off, which was actually a little anti-climatic, and the last two are just sitting there laughing at me. they're laughing! dammit!
anyhow, i'm mired in a financial situation of being someone who scrapes by (pretty well, but i'm still packing lunches and refusing to turn on the heater at home) but accumulates some debt. which makes me just like everyone else in this country.
now, even when i go and purchase the damn thing, it's not going to be a happy occassion of getting something you've earned, it's going to feel tight and worrisome like scraping to get something you need. do i need the 'pod? kinda. i mean, i use the hell outta 'em, i love it to freakin' death and it makes me a more productive pleasant punk-rock filled chick. am i going to die if i don't have one? probably not. is my holiday season going to be better off? well, i guess the drive will go by shorter but again, not really that big of a deal. will i still buy one? probably. i mean, i get songs stuck in my head all day long (most of them ones that i do actually like) and when i've got my 'pod, i can just throw on some headphones and feel the love. it's a luxury that apparently, i'm willing to incur a little more debt for.
but i have promised myself, that should i do this, i will set up a master financial plan for 07 that will wipe my debt away. and i will stick to it.
is it bad to think about whether or not my grandmother has money set aside for me after she dies? and wanting that hypothetical money bad enough to kinda.... anticipate getting it soon?


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